Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Manifestation Update

Ha! This is funny. I just went out to pick up the mail and in it was:
$33.00 in Members rewards to Staples (that's cash)
$20.00 in Style Rewards for Ann Taylor loft (that's cash), plus a coupon to save 20% off.
$60.00 in Gift Cards to Old Navy (admittedly, I knew about this because I had cashed in some reward points last week)

Usually I just have bills in the mail, so this was a VERY pleasant surprise!! The $60, as I said, I knew about, but $53 was a complete surprise! And all perfect because I was in need of a few office supplies from Staples and I had my eye on a really great shirt at Ann Taylor which will now also hopefully be on sale.

Too Cool! Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!

Day Two Observations

I awoke today with anticipation and enthusiasm. Over coffee and breakfast with a friend of mine, I firmly announced, "I have requested that the universe give me $5,000 dollars this week." (My friend retired at 38 with the millions that he made during the phase, so I figured he was just as good a person as any to announce my intentions to.) He smiled and nodded and said, "Really. How is that going?" "Very well!" I replied with a wink."

After breakfast I moved on to the gym. It is hard to quiet my mind there, so I always try to use it as a positive time for stating affirmations and reviewing thoughts of manifestation. That went really well! And I added to my daily list a new visualization that had to do with deep breathing and it's association to burning calories. Because who doesn't want to find a new way to burn extra calories and loose weight. I loved it! And because the deep breathing while I was stretching really gave me some quiet time and helped me to relax on top of it all, it was a real win-win!!

On the way home, I felt inspired to stop into a new little gift shop that had recently opened in town. The owner was really sweet and full of so much promise. I talked to her briefly about consignment (hoping to be able to sell some of my jewelry there) and she said that she had been absolutely bombarded with requests, so she was only accepting merchandise that was specific to the town. "Interesting." I thought. I have been kicking around this scarf idea in my head for a while, and that may be exactly what she is looking for. The rest of the car ride home my mind was busy in a hot debate about creating custom scarves to suit that purpose, and thoughts of not being able to produce them. (I hate that self sabotaging part, but that is on my list of things I need to work on daily! Quieting the voice of disbelief.) Fortunately I have gotten better at quieting it, and quickly set about assigning myself some action steps to accomplish this.

Action Step for Selling Scarves:
1. Set deadlines for creating prototype and presenting it to shop owner.
2. Research materials. Yarns, buttons, etc.
3. Create prototype.
4. Make inspired, confident, and enthusiastic presentation to shop owner.
5. Prepare for production of product.
5. Research other possible outlets for same product.

As I pulled into my driveway I noticed (again) the rundown area of woods/yard to the left of my driveway. It is an area that I have always imagined great things for but have never felt like I had the time or money to do anything about. I moved to my "new" little house 4 years ago after a long an bitter divorce and have been patiently trying to rebuild my life since then. Anyway, this area of the yard is the first thing you notice when you drive up to the house and I want it to be creative, inviting, and inspired. I have chopped away at it a little at a time each year, but the progress has never seemed like enough. "Enough of this perpetual noticing and lack of action." I thought to myself. Yesterday while I was taking a break from work and playing with the dog in the yard, I had an idea. Earlier in the summer I had purchased a bush to go out by our mailbox, yet somehow, it sat in it's container all summer. It just didn't feel right in that spot I had purchased it for, but I didn't know what else to do with it. So while I was out playing with the dog, it occurred to me that I should move that bush to the area on the other side of the driveway. {Head slap}. So today, feeling inspired, I hopped out of the car and moved the plant over. It looked perfect there! Loving this, I grabbed a shovel and dug a quick hole. The ground was soft and perfect with no roots or rocks in the way, (a far cry from the rest of the yard where every time I dig a hole, I dig up more rocks than dirt and it takes forever). I gently patted the new bush into it's hole and welcomed it to it's new home.

I smiled and all the while I thought, this is taking action. This is showing the universe that I am ready. That I have plans, dreams and hopes, and I am willing to take action to accomplish them and welcome them into my life. This is a good new thought process for me. Taking action is the opposite of sitting around feeling badly for myself, and feeling badly for myself had gotten old a while ago. Part of this new approach comes from a book I am currently reading by Karim Hajee called Creating Power. It is a fabulous 4 week study course complete with books, tapes and workbooks. It has been a great tool. It discusses in depth how to set goals, take action and manifest abundance in all areas of your life.

So, I am taking action. I am moving forward, and with faith and belief, I am showing the universe that I am ready for more. That I am worthy of the life I want to live and I am thankful and proud of what I have. I love the new me! I love my life and I love all of the new wealth, abundance and happiness that is flowing towards me each and every day because I have opened myself up to "inspired action" as Joe Vitale would say!!

With faith, love and enthusiastic anticipation of things to come,

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 1 - The Experiment Begins

I can't believe that I am doing this, but today I begin my very first blog. Throughout my life I have kept journals on and off, and now, as I open this new chapter in my life, I have decided to create an online journal for myself (and my children) - chronicling my experiments in manifestation with the universe. Today is day one and this request is just the beginning:

September 29, 2009
Dear God, Universe, Super-Conscious, Spirit:
I think that it would be an absolute hoot to manifest $5,000 or more (IN CASH) in new, unexpected income for myself and my children by the end of this week. Please guide me and direct me to find the means to this end. I realize that I have nothing to loose and everything to gain and because of this I willingly, openly and lovingly surrender my body, mind and spirit over to your knowing ways! I warmly welcome your guidance and love into my life and look forward to our ever evolving friendship!
"It is done. It is healed. It is accomplished now! Thank you Spirit for coming to my aid and helping me attain the full measure of my creation! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! I love you and praise (God) from whom all blessing flow."1

So empowered, so alive - so great to be moving forward!!
With faith and love,

1. These two lines I borrowed from a powerful healing script created by Karol Truman. ( The first place I ever read them was in a book by Joe Vitale called "The Attractor Factor". Both wonderful resources

2. The inspiration for this blog came from a plethora of sources, but the tipping point came from a wonderful book I am currently reading by Sasha Xarrian called "Outrageous Mastery".