Tuesday, October 6, 2009

No Strings attached.

So more interesting developments in my manifestation experiment. Yesterday, when I picked up the mail, most of it was boring, but there was one interesting letter that caught my eye. I looked at it curiously for a moment and then wishfully hoped that there would be a check inside. When I opened it, much to my surprise and amazement there was!! For $3,690.-. The letter that came with it stated that I had won a sweepstakes drawing!!! WHAT!!!! I read it again. It mentioned Kohl's, Home Depot, Target, and a few other large department stores that I shop at and fill out the online surveys for all the time. I couldn't believe it. I danced, I whooped, I carried on endlessly. I called my friend Sue. I said, "You are not going to believe this...."

Money, no strings attached. Had I done it? Had I figured out the secret to manifesting abundance?


After I climbed down from my lofty perch and read the letter a little more carefully, I realized that the whole thing was probably nothing more than a big fat scam. Shame on them. So I googled it and sure enough, Rip-off report had a big fat warning and the exact scam I held in my hands listed in it. Different bank name, but same scam. Same people running it.


So what is this? Money, but still arriving with strings attached. What do I need to clean and clear from my DNA? What do I need to do differently than I am doing?

On the bright side, I sold three of my jewelry designs on eBay (see bluerskies06) yesterday and $50 worth of gift certificates arrived in the mail. So little by little I am getting there!!


Today I am going to turn my attention on focusing on finding help and resources to produce/develop/manufacture some of the ideas that I have been kicking around. I really need some guidance with those, so I am hopeful that the universe will send me some direction on that! And I will ask for a little help with my ebay sales, a little more activity there would be greatly appreciated!!

Bigger and better is still to come. I am deserving, I am open, I am creative, I am willing. I love this crazy trip we are on through life. What a ride.


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